La Planète TI-83


All programs of this page are included in the file nearby.


Equivalent to Obj83


A program to make and edit your assembly programs.

ASM Editor

A program to make and edit your assembly programs.

Basic to ASM 83

A wonderful program that converts a basic program into an assembly one and you needn't know assembler. Get it.

BMPZ80 Graphics

This program converts monocolor bitmap picture into Z80 code that can be use in assembly program.


A program to transfert file, works on DOS. The program looks like an old one but it's well done.


This program gives you information about assembler instructions.

Devpac 83

A good program to compile your sources.

Devpac 8x

A good program to compile your sources for TI-83+.

Diamonds/Breakout Level Editor

A level editor for the games Diamonds and Breakout.

To run a program, send it to your calculator via TI-Graph Link or another equivalent cable. Send me your programs, suggestions and feedbacks here.

Disassembler v1.6

A great program that find the source of an assembly program.


This program is for your PC and allows you to get the ROM of your TI.


This program gives you the language of a file, which library are necessary and a little description of the program.


This program can get the ROM of your TI with a serial cable


Make a 83 file with your compiled sources.


This program goes onto your TI and enable some program to be run.

Tasm 3.01

It's the principal program to compile your sources.


You need this two files to compile your sources.

Test Software

You can verify the good working of your parallel link cable with this utilitarian.

TI83 ASM Editor

A program to make and edit your assembly programs.

TI-83 Small C

This little program compile your C source into assembly. You just need to compile the assembly source to have your game on your TI.

W32tran8x v4.0

This program can send and receive data from a serial or parallel cable.


This program can send and receive data from a serial or parallel cable.